Sunday, July 31, 2011

Can you read it ?

I wrote this with the pink lipstick I fund .
I hope you can read it !


  1. Nope. Some troll (Most likely the kidnapper) censored it with a pink box and a ;). Prehaps you should write something in code...

    Well the theory I thought about turned out to be true. Apparently the kidnappers are aware of this site and are making some sort of attempt to keep me and everyone from finding you. The question is, how come they are letting this happen and letting us see you?

  2. if you happened to draw a white smily on purple ground then yes... otherweise nope, probly censored too

    (but I can see the covers of the magazines... you might be able to use them in a way to get a message out)

    but since your kidnapper can see everything you do (and censor it afterwards), he'll be able to see everything we write here and can adapt to it

  3. Nope, sorry. Why don't you try to take photos of your room with the phone so that we can figure a way to make you leave this place ?

  4. Perhaps you could take advantage of those magazines your captor has left behind? Maybe take a photo of yourself with the camera, but shuffle the magazines to spell out your message behind you? That way the kidnapper (and I assume there is a kidnapper) would not assume you are trying to sneak out a message.

  5. ^This guy has the right idea. Use the magazines to spell out your full name, or any details that might help...

  6. you guys do know that, if this site is indeed being monitored, all your ideas about sneaking out codes are useless as the people behind it now know all about them...

  7. In reply to Anonymous:

    I assume we are being monitored as well by the mysterious kidnappers, so suggesting something is completely useless, unless she figures something out on her own.

    The real question that is bothering me though is if the kidnappers are also some of the people posting on this blog as well.

  8. I wonder how long it will be before some porno mags and erotic fiction start showing up amongst the others (and a few toys, too!)
