Friday, August 5, 2011

How I'm fed

Behind the door, there is another door ... I received a message and then I'm allowed to retrieve my food and also fresh towels and clothes (the same pink short/top) .
The food is good, and seems to be healthy .


  1. not my type of food, but at least you won't starve

    (oh, and the new poll is due in a few hours... but don't worry... it's only a minor change this time)

  2. Okay, so we got an idea of how the guys get you the food and stuff. Is there any pattern with the times at which they deliever anything? Could leave a clue.

    Considering the information provided here, I'm guess that there is at least 3 or 4 people involved in plot. Someone fianicing this, someone watching you, and someone who is possibly a doctor (considering that not everyone can give a collgan or botox shot or easily get ahold of it). I also think one of these people or someone else is a woman, but that's a guess.

    Also, I noticed the new poll. Personally, I think you look good in glasses, so I'll vote that way.

  3. Personally I think she needs new glasses and the lenses, because who doesn't want to see new glasses.

  4. I'm doubting it's just four people. There's got to be security surrounding the place.

    By the way, have fun with corrective lenses!

  5. Remember to always keep your eyes peeled for traces they may be leaving behind. Be patient, it may take some time but they're bound to get sloppy at some point... You just have to stay sharp.

  6. try a hunger strike, or try staying in the room where you get your food. keep up the fight, don't let them break your will.
