Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A poll ?!

A poll have been create, but I have no ideas about what !!!


  1. Hmm... you may not want to fall asleep anytime soon. I'm assuming you'll up recieving one of these things when you wake up.

  2. Hi, I have been monitoring this situation and not really sure what make of it. However if Caroline is going to be given one of these four things, no matter what she or we do, then I’d suggest everyone choose “piercing” as that should be the easiest for the poor girl to reverse after the fact...

  3. I've chosen the tattoo... it's the longest procedure and you might find a way to escape (or at least you can see who's your kidnapper)

  4. Collagen. She'll need to practice her "pleasuring skills" with the toys that will soon be provided to her and she'll need properly enhanced lips to do so...

  5. Just hold out for the time being, I'll have to cash in a few favors, but I might be able to get some military-grade tracking programs that might be able to locate your phone. Well, this is a problem........ Great... well, I can't imagine why, but your signal seems to be.... everywhere. Germany, Japan, America, Africa. The kidnapper has ghost signals all over the place! I can't tell which one is really you.
